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Umama Rizwan

زبردست علینہ، آپ نے بہت اچھے انداز میں ایک فکر آموز بات پہنچائی، بہت خوب۔

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    Aleena Khan

    thank u so much for like my story dear

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Congratxx dear for your 2nd novels. bhot acche topic per aapane likha hai . Great msg for everyone & outclass ,zabardasth👏🏻👏🏻.bilkul aapa ne sahi kaha hai ham Gulam Hai Aaj Bhi Gulam hai Ham to Azadi Ka Asal Matlab be ni Jante.Urdu language ki koi Kadar Nahin Hai aajkal ke naujawanon ko yah bhi nahin pata Hamen Azadi Kaise Mili Azadi ka matlab kya hai yah kis buniyad per Kayam hua Afsos😔

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    Aleena Khan

    thank u dear frnd. i hope my msg in this novel can help to secure our country and our language Urdu.

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Meraj Hashmi

The writer handled most sensitive issue in beautiful manner propogating crucial message.
More power to you Lady ❤️❤️
I would like to add something
I truly don’t believe in the borders eventually entire land belongs to Allaha SWT
I guess your country formed based on the kalmah but I don’t see any Islamic things remained in your country.
I feel pity about that after all we are one ummah like one body ,if any part of body get hurts entire body feels the pain.
Still change is need of the hour and we can embark the journey by changing ourselves in the intrest of allah swt & Nahi SAW teaching.
Love from India

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